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How to Choose the Best Elliptical Stride Length?

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Choosing the right elliptical stride length is an important factor in achieving a comfortable and effective workout. With the right stride length, you will be able to get the most out of your elliptical and get the results you want. In this article, we will discuss how to determine the best stride length for you and the factors to consider when making your decision.

What’s Ideal Elliptical Stride Length? How to Choose it?

The ideal elliptical stride length for each individual depends on their height and size. Generally, an elliptical stride length of between 18 and 21 inches is considered ideal. It is important to select a stride length that is comfortable and natural for your body. You should also consider the type of workout you are looking to do and the type of resistance the machine offers.

How to Choose the BEST Elliptical Machine for Home Physical Therapy 2022

For example, a longer stride length may be more suitable for a more vigorous workout, while a shorter stride length may be better for an easier, more lowimpact exercise. Additionally, machines with adjustable stride lengths offer more flexibility in the workout you can do and can help you find the stride length that is best for you.

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How Do You Measure Stride Length for an Elliptical?

The stride length of an elliptical machine can be measured by measuring the distance between the pedals when they are at the furthest apart position. This is typically measured in inches. To extend this, other measurements that can be taken include the distance between the pedals when they are at the closest position, the angle of the stride, and the resistance levels. Additionally, the speed at which the machine is set can also be taken into account to further measure the stride length.

Best Elliptical Length (Comparison Table)

Stride Length (inches)

Elliptical Machine

14.5 Sole E25
ProForm Hybrid Trainer
NordicTrack FreeStride Trainer FS7i
18.5 Precor EFX 835
20 Nautilus E616
20.5 Schwinn 470
Octane Fitness Q37e
Life Fitness X3 Elliptical Cross-Trainer

Is a Longer Stride Better for Elliptical?

A longer stride is not necessarily better for an elliptical. However, it will provide a more full body workout as it requires more effort from the user. It is important to consider the size and height of the user when selecting an elliptical with a longer stride.

What is the Ideal Elliptical Stride Length to Best Fit You?

Additionally, a longer stride may be beneficial for those with limited mobility or range of motion, as it allows them to complete a full body workout while minimizing the impact on their joints. Additionally, a longer stride can also increase the intensity of the workout, making it more challenging and effective.

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Which Elliptical Has the Longest Stride Length?

The longest stride length typically available on an elliptical is 22 inches. This is offered on some of the higher end models, such as the ProForm Pro 9000, ProForm Pro 5000, and Precor EFX 835.

To extend this, some manufacturers offer adjustable stride length ellipticals where users can customize their stride length to fit their height, fitness level, and goals. This feature is available on the Nautilus E618 and the NordicTrack Commercial VR25 Elite. Another option is to add adjustable incline to your elliptical.

This can help you work different muscle groups and increase the intensity of your workout. Most adjustable incline ellipticals are equipped with a motorized incline system that can be adjusted from 0 to 20 degrees. Popular models include the Schwinn 470, ProForm Pro 5000, and Precor EFX 835.

Which Elliptical Has the Shortest Stride Length?

The shortest stride length typically available on an elliptical is 18 inches. This is offered on some of the entry level models, such as the ProForm Pro 2000, ProForm Pro 1000, and Precor EFX 5.46.

To extend the range of available stride lengths, several manufacturers offer adjustable stride ellipticals that provide users with the ability to adjust the stride length, such as the Nautilus E616, NordicTrack FreeStride Trainer FS7i, and Octane SmartStrider. These adjustable stride ellipticals typically offer stride lengths between 1824 inches, depending on the model.

Is a 20 Inches Stride Elliptical Good?

If you are looking for something more intense than a 20 inch stride elliptical, you may want to consider a machine with a longer stride length, such as a 22 inch stride elliptical.

These machines offer a more challenging workout, as they require a larger range of motion. Additionally, they typically offer higher levels of resistance, which can help you push yourself further and increase your fitness level.

If you are looking for something more lightweight and compact, you may want to consider a compact elliptical machine that has a smaller stride length, such as a 16 inch stride. These machines are great for people with limited space, as they can easily fit into smaller areas. Additionally, they often offer lower levels of resistance, which can be great for beginners or those looking for an easier workout.

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