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Best 50 Beginner Burpee Variations to Do at Home

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One complete exercise that I am sure that I can do anywhere and everywhere is BURPEE. For those who don’t know, a burpee is a combination of squat, pushup, and jump. You have to do all three together and continuously for burpee to have an impact on your body.

While burpee is great for anyone who would like to exercise in a limited space, it is highly popular among prisoners.

In fact, according to, burpee is part of the jail house routine, one of the most grueling prisoner workouts. In the jail house routine, you have to do burpees in a pyramid style. That means, you start with 1 and then you go to 10. With each digit, you do the same number of exercises.

For 1, it will be one burpee.

For 2 it will be two burpees

And for three it will be three burpees so on and so forth till 10. Then you repeat back the routine in inverted pyramid style.

A few things to know about burpees:

  • Burpee is also known as squat thrusts
  • It has many physical benefits and also called as the single best exercise routine
  • If you don’t do any other exercise, you can still remain fit by doing burpees.
  • If focuses on both cardio and muscles
  • Because it is an intense full body exercise, it lets you burn a lot of calories in short time

When you do burpee, you increase the functional strength of the body. The impact is directly on the abs, legs, shoulders, chest, back, and arms. So it is directly targeting all your muscle groups.

You can do them anywhere. No equipment is required.

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Beginner Burpee Variations: Condition Your Body Like a Pro 

Burpee is a great way for full body workout. It can be used to develop your endurance and stamina. Both are essential for fighting and keeping you in control throughout

Let’s learn about different variations for burpees.

How to do a burpee?

  • To do a burpee, first get in the standing position.
  • Now, do a squat and then move into pushup stance.
  • Now do a pushup, and then get back into the squat position.
  • Now stand back to your first position

Image result for burpee

Source: Wild Workouts

Similarly, you can add more variations to your burpee like a sit up, crunch, or a knee jump. It totally depends on you.

50 Different Variations for Burpees

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Are you a beginner? The good part about burpee is that it has dozens of variations available. In this video, you will learn how you can add various variations to your exercise routine.

People often do the burpee moves incorrectly and then hurt themselves. It is better that you adopt the correct move otherwise the burpee won’t have the desired impact on your body.

 50 Different Variations for Burpees Complete List (Video)

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In the video, there are multiple advanced burpee variations available that you can use to improve your body conditioning. In fact, burpee is a great way to keep yourself fresh. So, you can do it at all times whenever you feel dizzy or lazy.

Do You Need Burpee Workout Equipment?

It doesn’t require any equipment so anyone can do it anywhere. Most of the burpee exercises are advanced moves and not for beginners.

It can develop explosive strength and stamina exponentially within a short amount of time. There is no need to use heavy weights and your body can easily get used to movements. For beginners, I do not recommend to use weights.

That’s it all about the advanced burpee variations folks

Now you have an idea about how many variations of Burpee are actually possible. So, start doing them and make yourself agile, nimble, and swift.

Note: The best part about using burpees is that you can use it in combination with other exercises or sports that you play on a regular basis. Take martial arts or even cricket. Both have to do burpee to become more efficient in their own sports.

Should You Do Burpees?

Anyone who wants to grow thick skin, get fit, and become strong should start doing burpee variations for crossfit. Advanced burpee variations provided in this article are not only great for beginners but also for professionals. It will help them grow stronger and gain mass faster.

5 Burpee Variations To Burn More Calories | JustRunLah!

Source: Just Run Lah

Why are Advanced Burpee Variations So Hard?

The burpee variations list is easy if you follow a step by step process. Don’t start to advance to the harder burpee exercises because that will take more time and probably give you fatigue.

You need to first get in proper form for trying out burpee exercises. Once you are in form, means you are doing burpee exercises properly everyday, only then you should move to the advanced burpee variations.

Trying Burpee Variations with Weights

The next step is of course to try burpee variations with weights. If you are a beginner and don’t know how to start burpee variations, we have already provided a complete step by step process. First get your proper form and then move to the next step.

When you have the proper shape, you can use ankle and wrist weights for burpee variations. Also, you can use weighted plates and dumbbells for trying out different burpee variations at home. These exercises will target every muscle of your body, making you become stronger and nimble.

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