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Latest US Fitness Industry Size & Growth Market Statistics

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With a billion dollars of revenue and millions of memberships, the size of the US fitness industry is beyond one’s imagination. This article is all about that. Let’s discuss some of the most astonishing statistics of the US fitness industry.

Also, we will try to find the size and growth trends of different departments of the US fitness industry and how they have changed over the last five years. 

Personal Trainers Industry Statistics In US

  • According to a report presented by the IBIS world, In 2017, the size of the personal trainers market in the United States was $9 billion.
  • The growth rate was about 3.2% which is expected to raise up to 24% by the year 2020.
  • Another report suggests that there are almost 577,041 fitness businesses operating in the US with nearly 599,992 working personnel. 
  • The US Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) gave an estimated number of gyms and personal trainers in the US which were nearly 299,200 in 2016. And they have predicted that there will be an addition of around 30,100 personal trainers by the year 2026. 
  • Personal training studios take-up almost 59% of the country’s fitness studios with almost 5.9 million citizens hiring personal trainers for customised workout programs- as per the Association Of Fitness Studios. 
  • By 2026, there will be an addition of  330,000 jobs in the personal trainer industry.

See Latest Fitness Machines in US

US Gym Industry Statistics

Read every thing you need to know about the US Gym industry and fitness trends of past few years.

  • According to Statista, the US health club industry had 36,540 gyms with 57.25 million members in 2016 and the revenue for the year 2016 was estimated to be $27.6 billion.  
  • International Health, Racquet and Sportsclub Association (IHRSA) reported that the US gym/club memberships went from 50.2 million to 57.3 million in five years (2012-2016).
  • The number of gyms increased from 30,500 to 36,540 in these same 5 years. Based on this data the CAGR for gym or health club memberships from 2012-2016 was 3.3% and CAGR for the number of gyms was 4.5%.
  • The same survey result was taken as a basis for further growth rate prediction for upcoming years and they suggest that by 2021, the US gym/club memberships will reach to 67.3 million and this number will exceed up to 71.9 million by 2023. 
  • The number of health clubs or gyms will also surpass to 45,500 by 2021 and to 49,725 by 2023.

US Fitness Industry Statistics 

US Fitness industry statistics are not available of previous years because not many companies were focusing on this type of data before. It only became popular when the demand for fitness workout machines started to increase in the past few years.

See the US Fitness industry statistics below.

  • As far as the US fitness industry is concerned, there was no precise pre-existing data available but on the basis of IBISWorld’s report, the annual revenue for the fitness industry for the last 5 years was $34 billion with a growth rate of 2.8%.
  • The same IBISworld’s report “Gym, Health & Fitness Clubs – US Market” revealed that there were 111,869 fitness businesses operating in the United States in the year 2018 and these businesses had 808,356 hired employees working under the US health, gym and fitness industry. 
  • Health and fitness industry in the US had an aggregate revenue of $27.6 billion in 2018 as documented by the Statista report
  • Based on the findings of 2018, Statista gave a sketch of the expected collective revenue for the fitness, health and gym club industry for the year 2015-2021. 

According to this outline the revenue in 2015 was $26.6 billion, in 2016 it was $27.15 billion, in 2017 – $27.83 billion, in  2018 – $28.8 billion, 2 019 – $29.75 billion,  2020 – $30.79 billion, 2 021 – $31.53 billion. 

US Fitness Industry Growth Chart

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The table of Industry growth by year:

2015 – $26.6 billion
2016 – $27.15 billion
2017 – $27.83 billion
2018 – $28.8 billion
2019 – $29.75 billion
2020 – $30.79 billion
2021 – $31.53 billion

  • The growth rate can clearly be calculated on the basis of these figures given above I.e, 2.45% between 2015 and 2021. 

Wellness Creative Co. published an article in which it estimated the global fitness industry’s growth rate which was 2.6% in 2018 while the revenue was $83.1 billion. 

Expected Gym Memberships In US

There is an increased demand for US gym memberships in the last five years which caused a rage in the growth rate of the industry. Most of the memberships are demanded by individuals ageing between 20 to 64.

While there is a prediction that the membership demands will increase to a considerable number -as more aged people will drive towards the fitness centres and health clubs-. 

Why US Fitness Market Is Growing?

The demand for fitness is rising in the USA. This means more people have now started to opt for gym. One reason behind this increase that gyms are easily accessible for anyone who would like to workout.

Those who don’t have access to gyms can still use fitness workout machines to start working out at home. 


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