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Best Five Minute Office Workout Routines & Stretches

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Working from home or office can get hectic. You will get tired and your back will start to ache. So, what is the work around, how can you improve your fitness while staying productive? In this article, we will discuss how you can improve your fitness in just five minutes by working out.

We will be discussing some of the best ways to workout at home as well. So, whether you are in office, or whether you are at home, these workouts are going to help you stay productive at all times.

Best List of Five Minutes Office Workouts

Let’s get started with these 5-minute office workout routines.


If you’re planning to get fit but your working hours are not allowing you to have your peaceful gym-time, don’t let this scenario get on your nerves. There is always a second way such as these Five Minutes Office Workouts to do and in this case, doing cardio at your workplace is the ultimate option for you. You don’t have to walk miles away from the office block for your aerobics. Look for the staircase that is the nearest to your work desk and start stepping up and down from the stairs. 

Start at a slow pace and gradually increase your speed a little. Repeat this climbing up and down for at least 5 minutes to get your heart pumped up. This will boost your physical as well as mental credibility giving you some fit and healthy work hours. 

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Jumping jacks

Jumping jacks are another great option for people who want to make their work hours a lot more energy-efficient and Healthy. Jumping jacks are under the cardiovascular type of exercises and help with Alzheimer’s and other neurological disorders. 

Select a suitable spot in your office having a little spare space. Now stand straight and keep your hands on the sides. With a sudden jerk, jump up and extend your legs at the sides so that your feet land at a shoulder-width distance. While the jump, move your hands up in the air over your head and keep them stretched up until you return to the previous position. This exercise tones your body while working in your calves, hip abductors, adductors and core muscles. 

Repeat the jumping jacks for 5 minutes, taking a 30-second gap in between. 

Image result for Jumping jacks

One-legged squat

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Your office chair may be the most boring thing when it comes to working, but you can turn it into exciting gym equipment when doing an office work out session. One-legged squats can be done using just your office chair and this will facilitate muscle mobility and stability. You target your hip muscles, flexors, quadriceps, core and glutes while performing a one-legged squat.

Start your exercise with your office chair, sit straight on the chair, keep one foot on the floor and raise the other one at the front. Now raise both of your hands in front too and start to stand up. Make sure to keep your leg raised as you stand up. Now giving a pause to the standing position, sit back on the chair. Repeat the same exercise with the opposite leg. 

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Leg lifts

Legs lifts are a lot simpler than you would think but they can help a mess when it comes to fitness and body toning. 5 minutes of leg lifts regularly can be counted as aerobics and will work for elevating your heart rate. Leg lifts are extremely beneficial for your core strengthening and vitality. It builds your muscles and helps in preventing many exercise-related injuries and muscle wear and tear.

Hit your quadriceps and hip flexors by grabbing your office chair. One thing to note here is to opt for a stationary chair instead of a wheeled one. Keep your chair in place and sit on it with your upper and lower body muscles held tight. With your core and abdomen tight, start to raise one of your legs at the front until it is parallel with your hip. Once you have raised your leg straight, hold this leg for roughly 5 seconds and then put it down. 

Repeat the same exercise with the opposite leg.

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Office wall chair pose

Chair pose with the wall is a great way of strengthening the leg muscles and helps in improving motor coordination and walking abilities. And the best part is you don’t need any equipment or gym place to do this exercise. Just the wall at the back can be used to do this incredibly easy and fun exercise. 

Start by standing straight with your back pressed flat against the wall. Now start to take a few steps away from the walk while dragging your back down. Move your back so low that it makes a 90-degree angle with your hips. Stay in this position for about 1 minute and come back to the starting position. 

Image result for Office wall chair pose

Repeat the same exercise for 5 minutes giving a 30 seconds interval between the workout. 

Incline desk push-ups

Push-up, in any form, Is a massive resistance training and strengthening exercise. It improves bone mass and aiding in fighting with osteoporosis and osteoarthritis. And besides the health benefits, it helps in maintaining the body shape and tone. Train your pectoral muscles, rotator cuff muscles and triceps at your work desk with these incline desk push-ups. 

Image result for Incline desk push-ups

Stand in front of your desk and keep your hands shoulder-width apart on the desk. Now start to curl your fingers moving your body down, towards the desk. Once you’ve inclined,  pause for 30 seconds and push your body back, shifting the weight on the palms. Repeat 2 or 3 sets of 15 reps. 

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