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Six Best Triceps Workouts for Mass to do at Home

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Everybody wants to grow muscles. They make you look stronger, stunning, and confident. But no one wants to exercise. Because that is hard work and everybody can’t go to gym everyday. That’s why most people can only dream for working out but don’t.

But what if they can do exercises at home? There are many way to do workout and build more mass. And, you won’t even have to go to gym for that because the exercises are easy and don’t need gym instructor’s supervision.

We have prepared a list of the best tricep workouts using dumbbells. You will only spend money on this one workout equipment and it is pretty cost effective.

In fact, we wrote a whole post on the best dumbbells for home workout.

Tricep Workout Equipment You will Need:

Here is a list of fitness equipment that you will need for triceps workout.

List of Tricep Workouts to do at home

1. Triceps Kickback Using Dumbbell

A very effective Triceps workout to do at home. In this workout, you will have to stand in a position so that your right leg is forward in position. You may carry a 3 to 5-pound heavy dumbbell in your left hand and your palm should face your thighs. Then, keep your head down, right hand on right thigh and lift your left arm until it makes an angle of 90-degree. Make sure to put tension on your triceps. Repeat such activity for at least 10 repetitions and then do the same for right arm. Make it sure that when you have made 90-degree angle then you have to release your arm slowly.


10 reps with 3 sets

Increase weight by 2kgs in each set.

2. Dumbbell overhead triceps extension

The workout which is mostly done in order to stretch the triceps. Just stand still by grabbing dumbbell with both of your hands. Then stretch your hands upwards on your head. Now the main part starts from here. Keep your elbow on the position where it is and then release your hand downward to your shoulder. In this way your triceps will get stretched. This targets your tricep area and the upper part of your shoulder.

Tricep extension is a solid exercise for building mass fast at home without any additional equipment.


10 reps with 3 sets

Increase weight by 2kgs in each set.

Six Home Bicep Workouts for Increasing Muscle Size


3. Triceps Dips 

A simple one to do at home. Get in a position that your legs are extended in front of you and then put hands on chair or stairs and your palms facing the floor. Then carefully get down by keeping your elbows still and try to put maximum tension on your triceps.


10 reps with 4 sets

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To make it more hard, just put weight on your stomach. Or, you can do more reps per set – in increasing order. 10, 15, 20, 25, 30…

4. Push-Ups for Triceps

One of the simplest and greatly done exercise at home and at gyms. There’s a slight change for triceps push-ups that your palms should be a bit closer to each other when you are in such position. So that you can apply enough force on your triceps. Push-up exercises are a great way to workout and provide a lot of benefit. Pushups impact biceps, chest and triceps. These are also great for pumping your abdominal muscles.

This is one exercise that can be used for multiple exercises and is not limited pumping triceps alone.


10 reps with 4 sets

To make it more hard, just put weight on your back. Or, you can do more reps per set – in increasing order. 10, 15, 20, 25, 30…

5. Stability Ball Push-ups

This workout is done by the help of giant stability ball. Your foot are on that ball and you are in push-up position. Then you have to do push-up (triceps grip) so that maximum stress can be applied on your triceps.  The stability ball pushups not only impact the chest and bicep area. But, they impact the tricep area more because of the way stability ball is made.

Image result for Stability Ball Push-up

If you don’t have dumbbells:

Stability ball is great for people who don’t have dumbbells available at home. They can just use the stability ball pushups workout to grow their muscles. It is also one of the best triceps workout for building mass.


10 reps with 4 sets

To make it more hard, just put weight on your back. Or, you can do more reps per set – in increasing order. 10, 15, 20, 25, 30…

6. Bent over kickbacks

In this exercise you have to put your right palm and knee on a bench and make sure to straighten your back as well. Dumbbell in your left arm. Bend it on 90-degree angle and then straighten it slowly. Then get back in initial position. Do the same for other hand as well.

Kickbacks help you build more muscle because they are essentially targeting the tricep muscle area. The reason we have added kickbacks to this exercise is because this workout will shape the muscle. It doesn’t bring mass to the tricep but reshape it in a particular structure. This is a great tricep workout with dumbbells.


10 reps with 4 sets

To make it more hard, you can do more reps per set – in increasing order. 10, 15, 20, 25, 30…

Final Word

Exercises are hard but they are still doable. When you can easily workout at home, then what is the excuse? Just buy dumbbells and exercise ball and you are all set to go.

Start pumping some muscle and look confident everywhere.

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