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Essential Parkour Diet for Every Beginner Traceur

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Here is a list of things that should be on your diet if you are into parkour.

Parkour is all about agility, speed, and moving from one place to another in the shortest amount of time, while using the shortest route.

You need to keep your energy up while doing parkour and for that purpose you will need tons of proteins, carbs, and fat.

Parkour Paleo diet

Anna Kaczka is a traceur and she has been practicing parkour for almost 10 years. She tells how she has shifted to a paleo diet and what are its benefits for parkour beginners.

Some of the benefits of paleo diets for parkour include:

  • Burst of energy
  • Shorter recovery periods
  • Low stress level
  • High energy level
  • Light body

Here is the full video of Parkour Diet Routine by this American traceur.

You might be interested in these paleo food recipe books:

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Here are foods that include the said benefits.

Get Proteins from:

  • Nuts and Seeds
  • Pulses
  • Beef
  • Turkey
  • Chicken
  • Oily Fish
  • Eggs
  • Milk and Cheese
  • Yogurt
  • Wheat

If you need proteins fast and can’t afford a protein shake then the best way is through egg, honey and milk.

Just get a mixer and mix all three together. You can use two cups of milk with one raw egg and three to four table spoons of honey.

Mix them and drink this to get proteins inside your body.

Get your Carbohydrates

  • Grains
  • Oats
  • Cereal
  • Potatoes
  • Yams
  • Fresh veggies and fruit

One of the best ways to gain more carbohydrates is to eat fried or boiled potatoes. Usually, boil them and then fry them. Eat them with ketchup or any other food of your choice. The boiled potatoes will bring enormous mass to your body in a short amount of time.

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Get your Fats

  • Fish oil capsules

Eating fish capsules are a great way to pump back energy to the body. These are usually for elderly who cannot walk because of pain in the legs. Fish oil capsules are given to them so the pain get alleviated.

  • Oily fish such as kippers, sardines, and mackerel

Oily fish provides carbohydrates and fats that are necessary for your body especially when you are engaged in tough workout routines. These give you energy, lower the blood pressure, decrease the pace of heart pumping, and reduce the risk of heart attack, according to Web MD.


To run faster, you need proteins. They come from diet you eat. So, keep a diet that is full of proteins. This type of diet includes meat, beef, chicken, turkey, oils and fishes.

As a free runner, you need to be eating more during the day so the calories keep burning, and small amount at night.


Carbohydrates are great for fueling the body. You will need to replenish adenosine triphosphate (ATP) during intense workout and carbs are the mail fuel source for that. Carbs can be gained from many sources and if you cannot cook, you can still get them from grain, cereal, fresh fruits and veggies.


Fats are important for the body because with so much sweat coming from your body while working out, you will be burning it pretty quickly. Therefore, go for oily fish, dairy products such as cheese, yogurt, and fried meat and beef.

What timings should you eat?

As a traceur, you should eat regularly and after small intervals in what we call the ‘mini snacks.’

Tips for eating:

  • Morning diet should be rich in proteins and fats
  • Eat regular lunch during the afternoon
  • Try to eat only small diet at night
  • Eat regular dose of fruits and vegetables
  • Drink plenty of milk

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 My Recipe:

I use to drink a banana shake after every workout. This helps me consume my energy. The banana shake included a raw egg and honey.

You can instead go for protein powder because it provides the same level of energy.

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