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Everlast is a reputed name in the sports goods industry. It has been manufacturing sports goods, clothes, accessories for quite some time. It’s punching bags are a lot famous among professional boxers. The main reason is because of their durability, endurance-level, and quality. All top boxing practitioners prefer everlast punching bags. Some of the best everlast punching bags are the Omnistrike MMA heavy bag by Everlast and Everlast everflex striking bag.
These bags are low cost and available for both beginners and experts alike. Most of the times it is the beginners who buy everlast MMA punching bags because of their high quality, low price, and ability to fit almost all small and large places.
In this post we will discuss why Everlast makes the best bags for MMA and Muai Thai fighters. We will also review the top three MMA punching bags by everlast and their pros and cons. So stay tuned.
Check Out the latest MMA Punching Bags
Why Choose Everlast MMA Punching Bags for Kickboxing and Muai Thai?
Everlast Punching bags are specially made with sanitized synthetic and natural fibers that absorb shocks. The premium synthetic leather is supported by reinforced webbing of superior quality. This makes the punching bags durable and long lasting. Further, they come with strong nylon straps that fortify the overall construction of the bags.
The punching bags for MMA require great resilience because the fighters kick and punch the bag with great force. The bags need to withstand all this and much more exertion. But that’s not possible if they are made of low-quality material. That’s why the MMA punching bag needs to be made of high quality. We have made a list of some everlast punching bags that are specially designed for kick boxing, MMA, and Muai Thai fighters. Let’s see what they are:
List of Top Everlast MMA Heavy Punching Bags
After carefully examining all the punching bags by everlast, we have come up with these three heavy bags. These are selected because they are long enough to be kicked and punched. And, they are tough so even getting hits by MMA and kickboxing fighters, they won’t budge. See all the top listed MMA and everlast punching bags below.
1. Everlast MMA Heavy Punching Bag Kit
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Everlast MMA heavy bag kit is for kickboxers and martial art fighters. It is a powerful bag with synthetic fibers and the leather strongly fortifies the sifted sand available within thee bag. In simple terms, everlast MMA heavy bag is for anyone who wants to kick and punch the bag without being afraid that it will get torn.
Buy Everlast MMA Heavy Bag Kit
Everlast 70-Pound MMA Poly Canvas Heavy Bag
The MMA everlast 70 pound poly canvas heavy bag is made of heavy bag construction and it provides complete durability. The punching bag is also equipped with heavy duty nylon straps that are strongly built and not easily breakable. They come with double end loops to provide easy movement and complete flexibility to revolve.
It comes with height adjustment which means the users can easily kick and punch it at anytime they want.
Everlast Poly Canvas Punching Bag
Everlast 2228 PowerCore Freestanding Heavy Bag
Everlast MMA Punching Bag is a free standing punching bag that can be easily placed in the gym. It comes with improved design, tri-disc foam that disperses the energy. It also offers superior impact absorption. When you kick the Everlast powercore freestanding punching bag it automatically recoils. The bag is made of powercore steel plate technology with strengthened core that keeps the bag from tearing and also provide robust workout. The height of this bag can be adjusted between 54 inches and 65 inches. It also offers compact base.

Buy Everlast Powercore Freestanding Heavy Bag
Pros and Cons of using Everlast MMA Punching Bags
Below is a list of the benefits and drawbacks of purchasing everlast MMA heavy bags for your home and garage.
Benefits of Everlast Omnistrike Punching Bags
- You can improve your Muay Thai by having training using MMA Heavy bag.
- By having training using such heavy bags, Muay Thai gets better and improved because it enables the person to put effort by their own. No help is required or can be provided in this case.
- When you are training while using Everlast MMA Punching Bags, you shin gets strengthened.
- One of the best and amazing benefit of this training is that your timing gets improved and becomes efficient as you are punching a swinging heavy bag.
- Your rhythm gets better and better with time as you keep on doing this training on regular basis.
- Punching a heavy is always a better exercise/workout or training to do which can provide you number of and amazing benefits directly or indirectly. This workout improves your cardio as well.
- As you are punching a swinging heavy bag, it is quite difficult to concentrate on your force and hitting position. This thing improves your reflexes.
- By enabling this training, your defense gets better as well.
- The Everlast Heavy Bags are best for Muay Thai because these bags are made professionally and offers you great experience.
- These bags allow you to maintain or establish footwork and movement so that you can have better training experience.
- You will feel great and powerful when you will hit these bags.
- Stamina and timing of getting tired will surely increase if you are using these bags for your Muay Thai training.
Drawbacks of Everlast MMA Punching Bags
- The everlast freestanding punching bag is bigger in size than the other two. Therefore, it won’t fit in a normal sized room. You can however place it in the garage.
- These punching bags may not be suitable for all kickboxing and muai thai experts who are habitual to long-size punching bags.
- If you are not a fighter, you won’t achieve much by getting everlast punching bags of huge sizes.
Check Out the latest MMA Punching Bags
Do you need a large Punching Bag? [Answers]
Many beginners feel like they need to buy a bigger punching bag. Let’s see what is the general rule of thumb and what professionals say about it. Source
“Buy a bag that is half your weight” – that’s the general rule of thumb.
Location Of Punching Bag Matters
But your choice also depends on many other factors such as the location where you will be placing the Everlast MMA Punching Bag, and the type you want.
If it is a heavy punching bag that you can easily hang with the sealing and you will be moving it too much then buying an Everlast 70lb or 80lb Heavy Punching Bag is fine.
Heavy Punching Bag or Human Torso Punching Bag?
But if you just want a bag to stay at one place then you can go with Everlast 120lb Nevatear Punching Bag, or you can also go with Bob Century Punching Bag because it is more human like.
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Read More:
Everlast 70lb Poly Canvas Heavy Bag Kit Review