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How to Watch Netflix on ProForm 9000 Treadmill

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Many people were wondering if it is possible to watch Netflix on ProForm 9000 Treadmill machine. We decided to research about it and provide you an honest answer.

In our research, we found that it is actually possible to watch Netflix on your ProForm 9000 Treadmill machine. You just have to switch the currently installed application iFit with Netflix app and the treadmill machine will show you your favorite shows.

The process is a little difficult. So, we have breakdown the whole process into digestible parts so that you can easily watch Netflix on your Proform 9000 machine easily.

That being said, let’s get to the process without further blabber.

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Step By Step Process to Watch Netflix on ProForm 9000

The 22-inch screen on the ProForm 9000 treadmill is perfect for streaming movies or YouTube videos while you work out.

By default, the console on NordicTrack and ProForm exercise machines is locked to the training program iFIT, although this may be bypassed by going into the Proform 9000 developer options.

  1. To restore the console to its original settings, you can check out the instructions available on the page 30 of the ProForm 9000 user manual. You shouldn’t install any new software after the reset though.
  2. Select the user icon to access the app’s maintenance panel without signing in (ignore the prompts).
  3. If you wait 7 seconds, press the same stop 10 times, then wait another 7 seconds, then tap it 10 more times, you’ll enter privileged mode aka the Developer Mode on the Proform 9000 treadmill machine.
  4. If you want to access the Android home screen, swipe up from the bottom of the screen and tap the circular symbol that appears.
  5. Connect your Android device to your wireless network by going into the network settings.
  6. Google “Netflix APK” to find Netflix’s official Android application package, then go over to their APK support page at the Netflix Help Centre. Simply stick to the on-screen prompts to successfully set up the Netflix app.
  7. If you’re using the treadmill with the iFIT app and you switch over to Netflix, the treadmill will automatically halt. When using the treadmill while watching Netflix, just restart the machine by pressing the actual start button.

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How to Enter Proform 9000 Privilidged Mode?

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If you wait 7 seconds, press the same stop 10 times, then wait another 7 seconds, then tap it 10 more times, you’ll enter privileged mode aka the Developer Mode on the Proform 9000 treadmill machine.

From here you can add APKs to your treadmill machine or unlock it to watch YouTube or Netflix directly on the treadmill.

Watch the Video to Enter Privilege Mode on Proform 9000 Treadmill Machine

Can You Install Hulu on Proform 9000 Treadmill Machine?

Yes! Just in the same way as you can install Netfllix on your Proform 9000 treadmill machine you can also install Hulu APK.

You will have to unlock the treadmill machine by entering the Privileged section of the treadmill. Once that is done you will be able to install Hulu APK from Google. Just install the APK and you can then watch your favorite shows on the treadmill.

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Can you watch Netflix on ProForm 9000 treadmill

Yes, you can watch Netflix on ProForm 9000 treadmill by entering the Privilege mode. If you wait 7 seconds, press the same stop 10 times, then wait another 7 seconds, then tap it 10 more times, you’ll enter privileged mode aka the Developer Mode on the Proform 9000 treadmill machine.

How to install Netflix on Proform 9000 treadmill?

To install Netflix on your Proform treadmill, you will first have to activate the privilege mode.

To access privileged mode, first wait seven seconds, then tap ten times in the same position, then wait seven seconds, and then tap ten times in the same location once again. Launch your web browser, do a search for “Netflix APK” inside Google, and then go to the page located within the Netflix Help Centre. The Netflix app may be installed by following these instructions.

Video Instructions: Watch Netflix on Proform 9000 Treadmill

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