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KettleBell Alternatives: Everything You Need to Know

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In this blog we will be discussing everything there is to learn about Kettlebell alternatives and how you can use them to workout your whole body.

Not everyone has kettlebell equipment available. So, let’s say they are following a training manual and they came across an exercise where kettlebell are necessary, what would they do? This is where the kettlebell alternatives help. 

We have created a whole list of kettlebell equipment alternatives that you can use to workout your body and stay fit and healthy.

So, let’s get started and learn all about kettlebell alternatives.

Best Kettlebell Substitutes You Can Think Of

No kettlebells available? No worries! With our kettlebell equipment alternative list you can do all kettlebell exercises as you want with other exercise equipment.

Dumbbells as Kettlebell Alternatives 

Kettlebells are for sure one of the best workout equipment especially to build your upper body, arms, shoulders and chest. But in case you are out of kettlebells or you are too bored with your regular kettlebell workout, you can always go for other options.

Dumbbells, in this case, are the perfect fit for you to spice up your boring work out a bit.  Dumbbells are the most celebrated gym equipment among fitness freaks and they are really helpful in muscle building and strength training. In fact, dumbbells can increase your grip strength even better as compared to kettlebells. 

Octagon Dumbbells. | Escape Fitness | Escape Fitness

While working out with dumbbells, you tend to have a closed palm which helps in better grip and ultimately in a better exercise. Dumbbells, as opposed to a kettlebell, can help you to carry out even heavier weights –during curls or other exercises– giving you more control over the balancing and distribution of the weights. You can 

Successfully use dumbbells instead of kettlebells in overhead presses, curls, lunges, squats and many others too.

Check Out More Kettlebell Alternatives

Resistance Bands as Kettlebell Alternatives

Some exercises are doable with using a kettlebell or dumbbell but not as effective and beneficial as they should be because you can use a limited amount of weight with kettlebells. In this case, the next best option would be resistance loops or resistance bands. With resistance bands or cable bands, you can adjust your desirable resistance without worrying about the gripping or slipping out of the kettlebell. 

8 Level Fitness Resistance Bands Exercise Loop Gym Equipment ...

Anyone can carry out resistance band training, but resistance bands are mostly preferred by older people and beginners. So if you’re a beginner and trying to play on the safe side, grab your resistance band and you’re all set to workout. Resistance bands minimize the chances of muscle injury and muscle tear giving a more sustainable training session.

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Barbells as Kettlebell Alternatives

If you used to train your lower body with kettlebell workouts we have the next best option for you to make a beast body, with a sharply crafted lower body especially legs, calves and glutes. Barbells, to be honest, are the classic gymming tool to shape your lower body. Squatting is a lot more fun and furious with barbells, don’t agree? Just try squatting with barbells and see the difference. 

Curl Barbell Set Rubber Coated (5 or 10 total Barbells) – The ...

With barbells, you can alter the weight as per your needs. For beginners, lower weights are recommended and as you progress you can add more weights to increase your endurance. You can do a variety of different exercises with the barbell that you used to do with kettlebells including goblet squats, deadlifts, overhead presses and whatnot. 

Barbells help you not only in shaping your lower body but it has also shown to have a drastic impact on the body posture correction and maintaining proper body form. So barbells are for sure an acceptable alternative to kettlebells. 

Pull-up bars as Kettlebell Alternatives

Pull up bars are the most underrated gym tool,  most modern gyms have not added them in their gym equipment list. But the truth is if you know how to make use of this equipment, you can do a bunch of badass exercises that will help you build your upper body, shoulders, biceps, arms and chest. 

Indoor Folding Pull Up Bar Wall Horizontal Bars Gym Chin Up Bar ...

If you are working out at home and looking for some heavy-duty device to take your workout game to the next level. Don’t wait, just grab a good quality pull-up bar and install it in your lounge or balcony. Pull up bars in the absence of kettlebells can be a considerable substitute for your workouts. You can not even imagine the level of strength and vitality you can build by using a pull-up bar. This is because pull-up bars help in body weight balancing and gripping which improves combination as well. 

There are a number of exercises that you can conduct with a pull-up bar including pull-ups (obviously), chin-ups, knee raises, leg raises, muscle-ups and many others. 

Water bottles as Kettlebell Alternatives

Last but not the least, if you don’t have any of the above-mentioned equipment and you still need to work those biceps out, you know what else you can use as a kettlebell substitute? Your water bottle, yeah right! In case you don’t have anything just pull out your refrigerator door and grab two bottles filled with water.

2.5L Dumbbells Shaped Plastic Big Capacity Gym Sports Water Bottle ...

Water bottles make an unbelievable gym tool to use for curls, presses, deadlifts, squatting and much more. Besides these water bottles can be an easy and cheap substitute for kettlebell while doing wait twists and gives amazing results as well. 


So, how was the list of best kettlebell substitutes? We hope you liked the complete list. Now it is time to get back to exercising!

Check Out More Kettlebell Alternatives

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